The Complete Works Website


All info as far as known - no liability assumed.

Please feel free to send in additions, corrections, questions or scans of missing ticket stubs to Nico.
In December 2024 this website was put down for a while. Thanks for all your nice and encouraging mails and messages during that period. 
So many supporters, friends and fans out there - this site is for you!

But there's also a variety of stealers and greeders out there. I don't want to go too much in detail (yet), but if this site
will ongoingly be considered as public domain I will take it down again (or install that friggin' login for just a few of you).
Asking for permission if you take bigger portions or giving credit if you take an entry should be the minimum (for my free work).

Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's not copyrighted (if in doubt, ask your dealer...), so

if you publish single entries from this website (in print, online, etc.), please list and link your source!
If you publish more than this from this website (in print, online, etc.), please ask for permission!

The Complete Works 1962 - 2025
The Rolling Stones Works from 1962 to 2025. All concerts, setlists, releases and recording sessions as far as known and verified.

Taylor-Made Works 1963 - 2025
Mick Taylor's complete works: All known releases, concerts, setlists and recording sessions.

Woodworks 1957 - 1975
Ronnie Wood's work with The Birds, Jeff Beck Group, Faces and many others before joining The Rolling Stones.

Cover Versions
Listings of more than 6000 other artists doing Jagger/Richards-, Wood-, Wyman- and Taylor-songs.

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Old News pages
Sorry, we don't maintain the news pages anymore - it's all now on Facebook (The Rolling Stones Complete Works Database group).


Fans & friends:
Felix Aeppli's Ultimate Guide
Ian's great Stones-database: Time Is On Our Side
Complete Recording Sessions 1962 - 2022 (Martin Elliott's website)
It's Only Rock'n Roll (by Bjornulf Vik)

Dieter Hoffmann's books
The Writing Twins/The Rolling Stones Archive
Shidoobee with Stonesdoug Forum
The Rocks Off Message Board
Chris M.'s site  (outstanding workouts on live-albums and outtakes)
Argentinian Rolling Stones Data website

Stones on DVD-site

The Rolling Stones Bootlegs database
Blue Lena's The Keith Shrine
Rolling Stones Singles Collection
Harold Colson's page of '72/'73 US-tour clippings
Stones On Decca
Chief Moon's Gallery
The French Stones News

Official websites:
The Rolling Stones
Mick Jagger
Keith Richards
Ronnie Wood
Bill Wyman

Cover and tribute bands:
Dirty Work from Germany
Rollin Stoned from England
StikkyFingers from England
The Stonez from Austria
Undercover from the Netherlands

About Us:

Please note: All material and research included in these pages is copyrighted to Nico Zentgraf. You may look at these pages, read them, enjoy them, study them and quote them, you may even link to them, but you are not allowed to publish these materials in any other form, especially printed or in any digital form whatsoever, without written permission by the author or by Stoneware Publications. Nico is giving this service to the net-community and all Rolling Stones fans for free, but that doesn't mean that the contents are public domain. If we find our content in the form we present it on other websites, we'll release the dogs....

If you would like to ask for permission to publish, please send an e-mail to Nico or Johannes.

Nico would also like to hear from anybody who can verify certain unknown things in the listings, who can add something and who can take some rumours away or who is in possession of written or recorded documents of entries listed or not listed in these works. Please come forward, speak up and send us an email. Every help is gratuitously accepted.